Useless information, useful information, what's on my mind, and recipes that fall from the sky. For some reason the LINKS aren't underlined but they're there.

December 08, 2003

So here it is the beginning of a new year for me, and I have decided to start actually keeping a BLOG. I remember when they were just called journals, like on Doogie Howser M.D.

Anyways, so I'm talking to my mom on the phone and she (being a dental professional) says that earlier in the week she noticed that my gums were darker. I was outside smoking While on the phone with her and didn't really take it seriously until I checked the mirror. Stunning resluts, she's right AGAIN! Why does mom have to be right all the time? So far I have been very much aware of every puff, and although I've cut WAY down since moving in with the girl (you'll learn more about her later) because I can't smoke in the house, this news has started to frighten me. My gums are dark at a cellular level. So there is that.

On a positive note. I've narrowed down the choices that I want to get myself for the winter holiday. Either the Archos personal video player/recorder 20 gig, the Lyra version (also 20 gig), or a Replay TV cause it's a lot easier to hack than the TIVO. Of course both of them are out of my budget, I'm thinking of using my security deposit for most of it unless i decide to get a new comp.

No recipes today, but I will put up the lamb chop recipe i did last week, I dont know who it was but a wise man once said that the greatest relationships are based on food.

Rentals so far this week:
The Whole Nine Yards
Bruce Almighty
I'll post my feelings on these later. The last rental The Kid Stays In The Picture was fabulously good, Highly recommended.

I always liked the sorta quote thing that Doogie did at the end of his show so here's one to start with:
"I feel sorry for people who don't drink, besause when they wake up that's the best they're going to feel all day" Mr. Frank Sinatra


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