Useless information, useful information, what's on my mind, and recipes that fall from the sky. For some reason the LINKS aren't underlined but they're there.

July 25, 2006


I forgot who made this originally, but it has inspired me to start working on that stuffed conjoined twin teddy bear for my cousin's soon to be had child, okay Eric won't like it, but his wife will think it's great! And besides, it's only appropriate from me. HA, a conjoined twin teddy bear. Kinda like a soft version of Chang and Eng Bunker, and if you know who they are, then extra points for you! Posted by Picasa


Blogger LadyLinoleum said...

Jess Hutch made that!

Hey Michael, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting on my woolen bacon. Much appreciated! I am adding you to my bloglines for easier blogstalking.

July 31, 2006 at 7:21 PM


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