Useless information, useful information, what's on my mind, and recipes that fall from the sky. For some reason the LINKS aren't underlined but they're there.

December 17, 2003

my off day at the school

this weekend was pretty good, things happen, other things didn't. all in all it was fun. sunday night was spent all night designing the art history curriculum for that art museum. maybe i'll put it somewhere public soon. the day went really well, even though my boss/girlfriend likes to have things her own way and never thinks that anything can be done if she idn't have her hand in them from start to finish. anyways, it was a really great success, the only complaint that i got from a four-year old was that there weren't any wild animals...? i was a littel confused but she's a cool kid who gets a one track mind about things sometimes. so all the parents got a copy of what we did, and i guess they were impressed. some of them said "I had to go to college to learn this stuff" i guess some of it could be kinda advanced, but i wouldn't try to teach it to them if i didn't respect them enough to think that they would understand it. i'd like to be able to do more image identification, but i can't give them deep studying for homework, and that seems to be the only way i can think of to learn it without having LOTS of one on one.

Dinner yesterday was asparagus and carrot rissotto with parmesan, using chicken and mushroom stock, along with ready to peal shrimp that was flash heated in a pan with butter and white wine. some littleneck clams which wre over priced, and whitefish cut into cudes doused with flour and pan fried. came out well, but i guess i respect food more than the girl. maybe thats the answer to the French Enigma; they love food, it's part of life. we look at food as a necessity, something of an incovenience, it has to be easy and fast and made by someone else. i've never met a french man that couldn'd cook. i mean even something as simple as a cheese plate and wine can be made beautiful with the right attitude.

well, today's dinner was at bostonmarket, you can't cook all the time. besides i was really overwhelmed by the shopping experience just before. i actually got two suits that were sized and tailored for me. and the really neato thing from Men's Wearhouse is that you get free pressing for life from them. now that's what i call service. oh yeah, if anyone wants a new suit from this area (glendale/north shore) ask for Michael at the store on Port Washington Road. now there is a man who knows the meaning of service, don't forget to tell him that i told you to go, not that i get a kickback but i would like him to know that i appreciated his service enough to tell other people about it.

that's all for today, trivia is escaping me at the moment, i just can't think outloud today.

December 15, 2003

The Athenaeum - Displaying artworks for Gustave Caillebotte

The Athenaeum - Displaying artworks for Gustave Caillebotte:

wow, you would think that i'd run across this site before, being in art history, and an avid surfer. man oh manischevitz that is one cool site. everything i need to get the rest of the art history curriculum done.

anyways, missed a day or two, was busy and down.

dinner the other night was just left overs so nothing new. but last night was the fun night. the local grocery has Rock lobster tails for $5.00 USD every day it seems so i did a really simple recipe. cut off the soft undershell, pull the meat out just to the bottom, salt and pepper the underside, and 1T of butter and push the meat back in. salt and pepper the top, drizzle half a lemon on it, throw those on the panfor the fun of it (okay the garbage was way over there) stick a skewer through to keep it from curling and there ya go. in the oven at 350 for ten minutes or so, while the pan is really hot pour some brandy over the whole lot and POOF! flambe. the girl was even impressed.

oh yeah, microwave steamed asparagus with salt and pepper. i cheted and bought some crab cakes at teh store, they looked really good, but i did give them a really good fry in olive oil. the sauce for those was low-fat mayo, juice of half a lemon, some melted butter, some of the extra oil from frying the crab cakes, and tobasco to taste... thins spread on top and yum yum yum. i'm using the rest tomorrow to make a sandwich. i almost told the girl that i made those but i forfeited and told the truth, all in all i was impressed with them, lots of crab and not one shell.

hmmm...the other thing, oh yeah- one of those saffron rice packages from vigo. put it in a rice cooker with double the recommended water before i left for the grocery, and it was done when i needed it to be. i added my part by showing off my cannelling skills (sp?)

so there ya go. hmmm...i think that i keep meaning to put that lamb chop recipe up but i guess that will have to wait until i don't have to go to kinko's at 2:00 am