Useless information, useful information, what's on my mind, and recipes that fall from the sky. For some reason the LINKS aren't underlined but they're there.

July 25, 2006

I'm not sure I did these, Picassa is kinda weird.

And two more for good measure. Bob Sheets again BTW.Posted by Picasa

Name that drink.

I just thought that this was a good photo of Robert and his drink, extra points if you know what that is. Posted by Picasa

The Thunderbirds doing their final farewell. What did we learn? my camera isn't really good for sky photos. Posted by Picasa


I forgot who made this originally, but it has inspired me to start working on that stuffed conjoined twin teddy bear for my cousin's soon to be had child, okay Eric won't like it, but his wife will think it's great! And besides, it's only appropriate from me. HA, a conjoined twin teddy bear. Kinda like a soft version of Chang and Eng Bunker, and if you know who they are, then extra points for you! Posted by Picasa

After color correction and a little fill light added, i think my skin isn't as blotchy perhaps? Posted by Picasa

A nice person offered to take a photo of me, cause i wasn't getting it correct alone, anyways, before color correction here. Posted by Picasa

The final bow

The final bow at the stunt show, like I said, the coolest stunt show EVER! I guess the French can do more than food right. Posted by Picasa

Part of the coolest stunt show EVER! Posted by Picasa

That working vacation I had

Mike Eaton Doing his thing at MGM Studios, Cool and groovy guy! I had lots of fun on the rides and stuff, thne we have a pretty nice quiet dinner doing random magic for people. Posted by Picasa

Okay I finally got the photos up from the Bob Sheets Lecture. What a guy! Took almost an extra hour and a half just hanging out and taking questions and suggestions. Posted by Picasa

Photo up for Marc Bond, my counterpart at the Safehouse. Posted by Picasa

Pamela being embarrassed of Aaron and me, could you blame her after the last photo? Posted by Picasa

Aaron Risoli showing off my ass at Jalisco, WAY after bar! Posted by Picasa

They gave us radios and everything, of course this is old hat for Michelle, but a new experience for me. And look an almost good photo of me, but I did take this one myself and hey you can't tell. Besides guys doing emo makes them look like girls. Posted by Picasa

There is the car going out for the practice session. This is not a zoom, I really was that close to the wall during the practice, ZOOM! Posted by Picasa

Perhaps this is a better picture?

I just can't get the hang of this whole being in the picture thing, I'm still learning how to smile for others. Posted by Picasa

Me (of course), Larry Foyt and Michelle Press from ABC Supply. If it weren't for them on Friday, this all wouldn't have happened. And hey, I got a new reference out of it! Posted by Picasa

There I was just after performing for the Foyt Racing Team just before the practice session on Saturday, and Larry asks me to get a photo with A.J. Hey! No problem! Posted by Picasa

I caught him!

Justin, I told you that I would catch you doing that sometime. Bartender Justin says that you have this tendency to take your clothes off, what's that all about? Posted by Picasa

This ended up being a good one, seeing as i refuse to use the viewfinder, it's like those old Batman shows, BAM POW!!! Posted by Picasa